
The OnEnter event occurs when the user presses the Enter key on the Client device, or a default value specifies that no user input is allowed. This event is typically used to validate data entered, and/or adjust the display on the device. To reject the entry made by the user, set Cancel = True and RFgen will force the user to re-enter the field.

The behavior of the OnEnter event can be set to execute on prompts regardless of whether the prompt can receive focus by changing your server's environment settings or by using the InputState VBA Language extension.

For more information see the topic "Use Legacy OnEnter Event" under Configure Environment Settings, or review the code "InputState" in the Developers Reference Guide.

Group:   Events

Applies to: Application, Prompts

Syntax: OnEnter(Rsp, Cancel, Message)

Rsp            (String) is the value entered/scanned by the user on the Client device.

Cancel        (Boolean) is set to False to accept the data entered and move to the next prompt, or is set to True to fail the edit check and force the user to re-enter data at the current field.

Message     (String) is a message to display on the Client device.


Supported Versions:       5.0, 5.1, 5.2 and all newer versions.


Notes:       For more information see the topic "Use Legacy OnEnter Event" under Configure Environment Settings. "Prompt.InputState" for the OnEnter event was added in