The Device.SendUSB command sends raw data (data packets) through the device's USB port that was enabled using the Device.SetUSB command. These commands can be used for sending print commands to a label printer, and are only supported on Android devices.
Group: Device Extensions
Syntax: bOK=Device.SendUSB(vPacket, vDevice)
bOK (Boolean) Optional - returns True if all bytes in the datapacket were received; False if it failed.
vPacket (Variant) is the text stream to be sent to the serial port.
vDevice (Variant) is the name of the device / printer.
On Error Resume Next
Dim sZPL as String
Device.SetUSB(True, "PC43t") 'This enables the USB connection between the client device and peripheral (i.e. printer).
sZPL = "^XA^PRB^FS^PFO^FS^BY3,2.0^FS" 'Lable format in Zebra programming language
sZPL = sZPL & "^FT100,120^B3N,N,102,N,N^FD1234-5678^FS"
Device.SendUSB(sZPL, "PC34t") 'This sends the Zebra print command over USB to the connected peripheral (printer).