MenuStrip (SideBar) Extensions

The menu strip (also called the SideBar) is a panel of commands that appears on the top, sides, or bottom of a screen. It can be launched when the user taps an icon from the form header or a button on the body of the form or turned off by the user.

The items that display in the Menu Strip, now called the SideBar, are configured from the Mobile Development Studio Configuration > SideBar and Key Settings > SideBar and Keyboard Settings screen.

Where the SideBar is docked and which icon/image is used to launch the SideBar is set in Mobile Themes > SideBar. You can also set the SideBar launch icon on an specific application's form. For details on creating the SideBar and setting the properties that make it visible, refer to the topic "To Add a SideBar" in the online help or RFgen User's Guide.

The MenuStrip extension can be used to script the behaviors of the menu items on the SideBar. For example, if a user needs to bring up a form separate from the application they are running, you can script this action with the MenuStrip.AppendItem language extension.

The commands available for the MenuStrip Extensions are:

MenuStrip.AddIcon, MenuStrip.AppendItem, MenuStrip.Clear, MenuStrip.Count, MenuStrip.DelIcon, MenuStrip.Enable, MenuStrip.Item,

MenuStrip.Refresh, MenuStrip.RemoveItem, MenuStrip.Reset, MenuStrip.SetItem, MenuStrip.Show, and MenuStrip.Visible


Supported Versions: See individual commands for supported versions.