What's Changed between 5.1 and 5.2
See also: What's Changed from to
Server Configuration Load Balancing (How it works) Load Balancing
Configuration > Environment Settings
Added or Removed in Environment Settings
- Added Set Double-Click Action by Control
- Removed Language Translations (Replaced by Text Resources in Solution Explorer)
Deprecated Features
From the Application Menu bar, removed the ability to Show Hidden Objects- If you have a control whose Visibility property = False, the control will appear hidden.
Added many new properties, renamed common properties, removed some properties, and also consolidated properties into property groups. Here is a list of changes to commonly used properties: removed GenerateMember; removed AttachLabel;
Windows Desktop installer - Windows Desktop Client Configuration tool (rfcfg.__ file) has been merged into the exe of the Windows installer, and will no longer list as a separate file in the RFgen folder.
Removed: The ProcessDown Arrow as Enter Key option is not checked indicating that it will not be used as an alternative for the <Enter> key.
New: relative sizing for FontSize; Normal, plus, minus
New: “Sidebar Options” "SideBar State"
Modified: “Menus and FKeys” tab so that System Menu Configuration is now used to associate system operations to a icon or event actions, or to associate a system operation with a function key (keyboard) or associate an action to a system operation with a device Sidebar/User Menu.
Side bar properties: added and obsoleted properties; behavior changes after
Button: Stretch property for icon was removed. As we’re setting the size, this is implied.
TextBox: Stretch property for inline icon was removed. As we’re setting the size, this is implied.
Button: Bevel Edge style added; this is the same feature we added to labels last week.
Panel: Bevel Edge style added; this is the same feature we added to labels last week.
Modified: Configuration >Language and Properties tab moved to Configuration > Environment Settings tab.
Properties Removed from Themes > Menu. These Theme > Menu Element properties were removed from 5.2.4
AutoEntries - They are items that are automatically entered into the Menu. For example, you can list “Logoff” as a menu item that automatically will list with any application’s menu and when launched, will log the user out of the application. AddItems – It is used to select if the menu should have additional options like a Logout, Backup menu option or both. Choose “None” if you don’t want a either. BackupImage + AddItems – If the AddItems property includes the Backup option, this property selects from the Image Resources for an icon. BackupText – The text under or next to the icon describing the backup option. Backup ID – lists the ID and its associated text in a grid. LogoutImage – If the AddItems property includes the Logout option, this property selects from the Image Resources for an icon. LogoutText – The text under or next to the icon describing the logout option. Logout ID – lists the ID and its associated text in a grid.
Button – It sets the button properties for the Menu Theme. If the menu style is set to Images & Text, the button will appear as a panel.
BackColor, BackColorAlt, BackStyle, Bevel, BorderColor, and BorderStyle are applied the same as in other examples.
Pressed sets the color values for the Menu button when its selected.
BackColor, BackColorAlt, BackStyle, and ForeColor are applied the same as in other examples.
Size – sets the button’s width and height in pixels.
NormalizeText – "True" trims spaces from the captions so they will center better.
Overflow – specifies which way the remaining items will be displayed. If there are more items than will fit on the device’s screen this option can be set to horizontal or vertical which means the user can swipe bottom-to-top or right-to-left to access the remaining data.
RowPadding – changes the spacing between the rows when the menu’s ListStyle property is set to Standard. This setting does not affect the other menu styles.
ShowHeading – turns the list heading on or off. The options are Never show the list heading, Always show the list heading or only show the list heading If Not Empty (it has been given a value).
ScrollBars – set to None, Horizontal, Vertical or Both to have the menu show or hide the default scrollbar. BackColor, BackColorAlt, BackStyle, Bevel, BorderColor, and BorderStyle, ForeColor and Transparency are applied the same as in other examples.
Watermark - was removed but similar feature is under NullText
Form and Page Changes
- On Forms the Page property is no longer shown on the Form properties.
- You can now change a page’s number to change its ordinal position.
- Pages are now listed as controls and simply dropped on a form to add more.
- The Forms: AutoTranslate property has been moved. To set a language for a display, See the Display: Locale property under Display. For information on translation of displays, see How to translate strings in graphical displays.
VBA Extension Changes
- Modified form, page, and the heading classes to support the “base” caption and caption id properties as well as those specifically for “head”. This should allow a user to use the VBA Caption property to affect these values.
- Chart Objects which were used to display 2 or 3 dimensional data charts.
- SIP.Keyboard and SIP.Show are now global in scope. Added SIP.Reset.
Added an option to specify the name of the prompt that will contain the image in Device.TakePicture. (Makes this easier than using alternate method to saving the image file using the prompt's array value.)
Added App.PageName, a read-only property that returns the name of the active page.
Added an OnEnter event for "InputState = InputReadOnly" to force an OnEnter execution for scenarios where the prompt is prevented from receiving focus and therefore prevented from executing an OnEnter event.
Added a Text-To-Speech (TTS) VBA Language Extension for Android and iOS
RFgen-VBA Language Extensions that have been removed in 5.2
The following methods have been removed from RFgen as they were designed for Telnet operations and are no longer supported in our graphical environment.
Sys.SelectKeyboard -- During upgrades this will be converted to "SIP.Keyboard"
Solution Designer
In the Application Ribbon Menu:
a) File Menu - added Active Language and Active Theme
b) Added Sort menu - toggles display of a graphical controls' TabNo, by parent, or control name.
c) Options menu - toggles display of Scripting Events in Control Panel and hidden objects, status bar, or Tab Number in Designer.
d) Removed menu icons for align, size, and spacing and move these to right-click menus (replaced by Snap2Grid).
e) Removed menu icon used for displaying hidden objects. If the hidden control was linked to text, this may need a separate value.
Tools/Control Properties: Added CheckBox property (type of column) to ComboBox, DataGrid, ListBox, TextBox and TreeView
Tools/Control Properties: Removed the Bind control
Methods: Use WaterMarks to label a TextBox without having to add a separate label control
Alignment: Removed alignment icons; use right-click menu. Objects automatically "snap to grid"
The DesktopIcon control was renamed to IconList.
Mobile Themes
SideBar - added "Active" property. Removed "Animate" property.
Included for all controls and can be used to design a theme on the event (action) state of a control.
Menus and Roles - changed method for creating menus. Added "Menu Simulation" panel
Application Preferences
"Default Locale" moved in 5.2 to Mobile Design / Testing Defaults
"Mobile Theme" became in 5.2 "Theme" under Mobile Design / Testing Defaults
Added "Local" in Mobile Design / Testing Defaults
Added "Target" for Target Devices
Acronyms - General Packet Radio Service (GPRS),
Format Menu Changes
Nov 4 (Build 10/29). The Align / Size icons have been removed. Did it move or will it be replaced?
Application Testing
The Options menu (icon) was removed and the test options are now under Session Properties.
Added Fast Start Options under Session Properties.
ShortCut Keys
Added collapse/expand shortcuts Ctrl+M +L/O/M, where L expands all functions, O collapses all functions, and M expands the function the cursor is on.
Deprecated Features
Themes > SideBar > Animation property was removed as it no longer supports open and close operations.
No longer need to customize the Android installer if there are additional database files to install with the client.
AttachLabel (TextBox property) - removed; in an update this will be a separate label with its own Tab
GenerateMember - removed
Removed vba extension SYS.UsePixels from 5.1. Reason: No longer needed since all UIs are pixel based. Approved by Steve Oct. 2, 2019. See list in VBA Extension Changes from Oct 2019
Application Tools: Removed the DesktopIcons Control and MenuList Control (these are replaced by the Menu Control)
Designer Defaults Design Grid has been replaced by the Snap To Grid in Configuration > Environment Settings
Manage Icon Collections (Forms > SystemIcons and in Mobile Themes> Application > SystemIcons)
Manage Page Collections (Forms > Page Property)
Removed the Options menu from Application Testing -- properties moved to Session Properties in App Testing.
Removed from Page control, (SeqNo) property- A read-only sequence number RFgen assigns to a control. The SeqNo is NOT the same same as PrompNo (prompt number) or TabNo. The VBA Extension "App.PrompNo" returns the SeqNo.