New Features in 5.2
RFgen 5.2 was re-engineered to deliver robust performance and reliability of RFgen client functionality. This enable RFgen to release new features quickly across Android, Windows Desktop, and Windows CE devices while maintaining backward compatibility with prior releases. Our new graphics engine helps your visualize your applications in the device skin of your choosing without having to use the Emulator tool. For more details see Updated Architecture for Performance / Reliability / Usability.
The Mobile Development Studio added significant enhancements that consolidate and reorganize resources so they are more efficient to manage, customize, and apply at a global or granular level. This results in developers having more control over the look and feel of application elements.
- Design by Device Skin
- AutoScaling of Text
- Theme Enhancements
- Role Assigment in Application to Limit User Acccess
In the User Management Console, you can now import/export user profiles via a Command Line.
App Designer Items
- File Menu - Added Select Active Theme and Select Active Language (view translated string in designer).
- Options Menu - Shows application Scripting Events, Status Bar, and tab numbers.
- Sort Controls Menu - Sorts the display of controls by a control's name, tab number (the TabNo property) or parent in the Control Properties panel.
New Graphical Controls and Properties
New Properties
New Procedures
- ClickInline() Event - Is a new event that activates a click event for the ComboBox, Map, SpinEdit, and TextBox control that has a icon/button specified in its InLineButton property.
New VBA Language Extensions (Scripting)
To view this list, see New RFgen-VBA Extensions.
Added configuration Environment setting for app.messagebox - see Use Legacy MessageBox
Images Enhancements
- Supports animation of images/image sets
Language Translations Enhancements
- "Language Translations" has been removed from Environment settings.
- "Text Resources" replaced "Language Translations" under Solution Explorer.
- Can create and save multiple translations by filename.
- Broader access to TextID/Text Resources in all controls.
- Ad hoc translation in designer/test/menus with Designer > File > Active Language
- Added Tools > Import and Export to Excel.
- Added Tools > Import System Entries (i.e. OK, Yes, No, Cancel) for translation of App.MessageBox button captions.
Profiles /Client Configuration Screen
The client configuration screen in the Dev Stuido Profiles screen and the one that is deployed to devices was redesigned and many new options were added or renamed.
- To keep the server config host name updated if the application database source is moved to another server, you can use "%FQDN%" as the server name and this will resolve to the new server name.
- Deployment Applications Menu - replaced the Category drop down menu. Profiles are organized by any platform or a specific platform.
- Desktop Client Configuration Screen - Added minimum application screen width and height .
Security Enhancements
- Updated Environment Settings > Framework Authentication which now provides authentication through Active Directory Groups and SSO in addition to the traditional RFgen Services
- Added more restrictions that prevent provisioning of client profiles where setups are under Environment Settings > Framework Authentication, and the authorization are performed in the Device Authorization screen.
- If JDE is configured for Named Users, RFgen will now prompt user for JDE credentials prior to downloading JDE Business Functions.
- Encryption of SAP Data - Configure your SAP connection to encrypt data via the SAP Secure Network Communications protocol.
- Added ability to limit user access to applications by user role. For details, see Users and To Limit User Access.
- Support of SSO login from Android web client (tested with Azure only).
- Prompt to enter JDE Named User user infor/PW when downloading Process Options/Objects if using JDE Named User accounts.
Testing > Mobile Apps Enhancements
- Session Properties - Sets your mobile testing preferences by device skin , change display dpi, and whether the device screen shows the status bar and / or sidebar menus. (Note: RFgen 5.1 Session Properties Orientation moved here.)
- Fast Start Options - allows you to jump directly to the application you want to test instead of having to login and select an appliacation.
- Apply Translations - Will scan all applications and apply Text Resource Ids if the caption string or error message string matches the translation text in the Text Resource file, or update text strings in the control's Caption or Error Message if an value is set in the TextId property. For details see the To Apply Translation Text Across All Apps topic.